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                               Radical Transformation, Birth of Reality


Dear loving friends, family, and community,


     First off, if you are led or moved to continue donating, there is a way! I am fully funded, but others on my squad are not. I would love for you all to bless others on my team by picking someone and donating until it’s uncomfortable. If you need direction as to how to do this, please reach out! My email is [email protected] and my cell number is (320)-333-1827. Thank you so much!


     (Daily Schedule)Thank you for your patience as I find time to culminate a blog post. The Lord has been so good, so present, so beautiful. I have been at training camp in Gainesville, Georgia only two weeks; the presence of the Lord I have only felt. In order for you to understand the life I am living, I will explain my basic day. Breakfast is at 8am, so ideally I am to wake up at 6:30am to start my day with the Lord. All meals attempt to represent a variety of different cultures to prepare us for the field. Morning session, which includes worship, message, and squad debrief time/reflection is from 9am to 12:30pm. We then have lunch and personal time until 2:30pm. This brings us to our second message and squad debrief until dinner at 6ish. Depending on the day, the remainder of the evening is free. Then we go to sleep in our tents, and occasionally take bucket or container showers :). Everything that is done here represents and is built off of scripture; every part glorifies the Lord. 

     (Worship)Worship, in every way, has been transformed and reshaped. Through leadership, the Lord has shown me what genuine worship is. Worship is direct praise, honor, and thankfulness to the king. Worship can be many things. There are seven Hebrew words that represent worship, all of these praise the Lord. Hallal(dancing free), Yadah(hands up), Towdah(thanks), Shabach(shout), Barak(Kneel/bow), Zamar(pluck instrument), Tehillah(singing/songs). I have been able to practice these forms of worship corporately and privately.(Leadership/discipleship) The Leadership, staff, and discipleship in charge of this ministry is something I want everyone to have. Our squad mentor Bill Swan has represented the heart and wisdom of Christ well. Steadfast love, challenging things with scripture, and humbling himself for the sake of Christ. My team leader, Drew Davidson, is the leader I needed so desperately. His raw desire to follow the Lord’s will for his life, and his addiction to loving Christ creates a pretty awesome setup. There are many more in our squad that create and maintain a beautiful community and family. I am in good hands. 

     (Focus) There is a focus associated with all of these sessions, messages, activities, and rigorous living conditions. Practically speaking, we are preparing physically for the field. Secondly, we are mentally preparing our brains with correct doctrine and knowledge of the Lord and the gospel. This also includes how to evangelize and represent Christ well. Lastly, we are preparing our spiritual selves, our health in relation to the Lord. This is growing our relationship and trust and reliance on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I have seen the most growth in this aspect. Additionally, there has been an epiphany of knowledge, showing that the Kingdom is here!(Matthew 6:10). Those saved by the blood of The Lamb, are part of the Kingdom on this side of eternity. We get to live in community as the Kingdom.(Community) The community, my squad, is so healthy. It is centered on Christ, continually uprooting evil, recentering from division, and absolutely amped to go spread the message of Christ. 

     (How have I been) Quite honestly, I have loved every second of my time here. The separation from first world pleasures has been such a blessing for me. My relationship with Christ and awareness of the holy spirit has grown on a radical level. My true trust in the reality of God has exploded. The removal of religion and focus on Christ has shown to be fruitful. The awareness of the power I have through Christ has been striking. And my tent hasn’t flooded yet. There has been minor inconveniences, but i’ve learned to count it all as joy!(James 1:2). The Lord’s presence and reality has been shown to me and to others through many signs and wonders. He’s been shown through radical levels of unexplainable joy/peace. And He’s been shown through undeniable miracles and healings in others and in me! The lord is good, there is no doubt He is running after me, drawing me closer.


Prayer requests:

  • Continued daily death of my flesh and life with Christ only

  • Continued Radical boldness and confidence in Christ

  • Continued revival of emotions in order to love people better for the sake of Christ

  • Patience as we continue learning before leaving for the mission field

  • Raw vulnerability with Christ, my team, and my squad

  • Continued unity and support in our squad



  • Roughly 1 ½ more weeks here at training camp

  • 2 weeks in eastern Kentucky with flood relief

  • Launch to Cambodia on October 15/16th


Verses that have spoke to me:

  • (James 1:2)

  • (Matthew 6:10)

  • (Hebrews 4:16)

  • (Matthew 5:13-14)

  • (Revelation 7:17)

  • (Acts 2: 42-47)


  • Chocolate milk

  • LongBoarding

  • Sunsets


     I love you all 🙂


7 responses to “Radical Transformation, Birth of Reality”

  1. So many good things, reading this. I love how you lead worship. How you press into others. How you’re desire and seeking more of Christ grows. How that seeking shows in your identity in Him. Super thankful about the tent also 🙂

  2. Hey Reid! Thanks for sharing what your past two weeks has looked like! I love your explanation of worship and the Hebrew words – different expressions or facets of worship sounds beautiful! We are praying for you and the team (thanks for specific prayer requests – I will use them :)!

  3. Appreciate your thoughtful and information-filled post. It’s so exciting to read and learn more about your experiences and how God is moving in your lives.

  4. Loved reading this informative post so much, but loved how much of your heart you shared. I could feel the joy and peace just reading it. Prayers always for you and your team.

  5. Loved reading your post, Reid! It is evident that the Lord is moving in a mighty way through you!!??

  6. Beautifully articulated Reid! Fun to hear about how your day rolls out. My heart is full hearing about how God is moving in your life & preparing you for the mission ahead.

    One of my favorite verses is Hebrews 12: 1-3. Running the race that God has set before us. This requires our full attention, endurance, sharpening & yes, suffering. What He is building in you lasts for eternity.

    Miss all of you! ??